Saturday, August 2, 2008

Here I Go Again

It had been so long since I blogged anything that I had to start over. The blog site didn't recognize me anymore. So.. I'm going to try and make a fresh start and hopefully find some time to blog. I mean if Cecelia can find time.. surely I can.


CATHY said...

Well, it is good to see you attempting to blog again.
Can't wait to see some pics on your blog.
I just tried to change my template and deleted all of my page elements. Now I have to do them again.
What a bone head I am.

Teen : } said...

Hello there my friend. So glad you blogged. Can't wait to see pics. Did your son come home and attempt to help you find a new lay out? Hope you get some pics of the house in. I use to say I didn't have time. Then when I saw how much Cecelia did I had no excuses. Her and Bob are so amazingly busy yet they get soo much done. Amazing. I want to grow up and be just like them.

Cecelia said...

Yeah!!!! I've been waiting for you to blog again. Don't stop now. I know you have lots of things happening at your house. Come on, fill us in on the happenings.

It won't be long said...

Regarding Sahalie Falls. I guess I shouldn't give so much info? LOL
You and Cathy need to come up. After all, you can make it all the way to NY!! Tell Cecilia, I"ll try not to be jealous. :-)