Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Christmas 2008

O.K. So I'm behind in my blogging. But I'm going to go ahead and post this anyway and try to do better in the future.

This was our fire place for Christmas. This picture was taken at night. We never did have a real fire.. but the candles made it look like we had a fire going and made it seem really cozy. All but one of the stockings were purchased in N.Y. when I was there a year ago visiting Cecelia.

Here is a picture of the fireplace during the daytime. The holes up on the wall above the fireplace are for the T.V. It's that big black thing in the lower right corner. We are going to have it mounted up there.

Will came home for Christmas. He was supposed to be here Christmas Eve but they canceled his flight. :( Thankfully, he made it on Christmas Day. : ) He was only home for 5 days but we were so happy to have him there to make our family complete. We had a great time together. Played lots of board games, ate, and visited together. It was great! But I didn't take any pictures. After everyone left I realized that fact. Oh well.. we had fun.


Cecelia said...

It looks beautiful. I love the hardwood floors!

CATHY said...

It looks gorgeous....so cozy. I can't wait til you get your room all set up...yeah I agree with cecelia, love the ahrdwood floors!